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Lisht, el- This was a site on the western shore, south
of ABUSIR, that served as a necropolis for the city of ITJTAWY,
the Twelfth Dynasty capital started by AMENEMHET I
(r. 1991–1962 B.C.E.). The pyramids of Amenemhet I and
SENWOSRET I (r. 1971–1926 B.C.E.) dominate the region,
providing mortuary complexes on the elevated portion of
the site. The pyramidal complex was called “Amun Is
High And Beautiful.” Two monuments discovered there
are in the Metropolitan Museum in New York. The pyramid
was built on a commanding position, and the complex
functioned on two levels as royal family members
and court officials were provided with tombs as part of
the design. A causeway can still be seen, but the valley
temple has disappeared. A great wall (TENEMOS) surrounded
the area.
Amenemhet I’s pyramid, also called “the Places of
Amenemhet Shine,” was covered originally with TUREH
limestone and had an entrance on the north face. There
was an offering chapel with a FALSE DOOR and a deep
burial chamber included in the design. The pyramid of
Amenemhet I was surrounded by royal tombs, containing
family members and erected on adjoining lands. The
pyramid complex of Senwosret I was called “the One
Who Is Associated With Senwosret” and was erected in
the southern area. Large and covered with Tureh limestone,
the pyramid was surrounded by nine royal graves.
The complex also contained 10 statues of the pharaoh.
There is no surviving evidence of a VALLEY TEMPLE in
Senwosret I’s complex, but a causeway survived, fashioned
out of Tureh limestone and adorned with colorful
reliefs. The pyramid is surrounded by two enclosure
walls, the outer one made of brick, and the inner wall
enclosing a MORTUARY TEMPLE and decorated with relief
panels. Senwosret I’s pyramid, named “Senwosret Surveys
The Two Lands,” and “Protected Are The Places Of
Senwosret,” had a rubble and sand core. Irregular chambers
were incorporated into the pyramid, and the entry
was part of a chapel. Other tombs at el-Lisht include
those of INTEFOKER, a high-ranking official, and SENWOSRET-
ANKH, whose mastaba contained PYRAMID TEXTS and
a star ceiling
Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt.