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Pyramid temples of Unas

Pyramid temples of Unas
Unas, last king of the 5th dynasty, built his pyramid directly to the south of Djoser's great complex. The mortuary temple against its eastern face is almost identical in plan to that of Djedkare-lsesi (see below) with its entrance hall and columned hall flanked by magazines, and the inner temple with similarly arranged statue niches and sanctuary, etc; though the great pylon structures of that king's complex were substantially reduced. The valley temple of Unas is of fairly complex plan; and though it does not provide any important developments of its own, the surviving granite palm-frond columns show that a graceful style
and high level of workmanship were applied to this building. More than a thousand years after Unas, Khaemwaset, the son of Ramesses II and high priest of Memphis, restored the complex -or its cult -in the course of dismantling Old Kingdom monuments in the area to build the so-called 'Ptah' Temple for the cult of Ramesses II at Mit Rahina.

Source :Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt